Nexsure 1.82.0 Release Notes (1-15-06)
Resolved Issues
Resolved High Priority Issues
- Actions are duplicating.
- Enhancement: Suppress reversed invoices on client view but allow them to
be searched
- Text on a fax cover is not wrapping correctly
- LONG-TERM TRACKING: Unable to reverse or create invoices
- LONG TERM TRACKING- Clients need to be merged
- Updated by on summary screens shows incorrect person doing the update
when change made in list view
- Client documents have been associated to the Carrier record of
- Edit - Nexsure cannot retrieve policy header information. please contact
Nexsure Support
- Error received sending policy to history.
- Unable to change the vehicle description on a NY temporary verification
- Error clicking on details of schedule items while servicing or in a
binder or on an application
- Error returned when attempting to batch print reports.
- Error trying to reverse an invoice
- Occupational Accident form > Company Information > Corporation type
> Individual instead of Industrial.
- Remove the pending installment invoices from clients.
- System is allowing double posting which caused reconciliation to reverse
- Policy info tab: due to same source of problem in bug 9611, most current
iteration of policy does not show correct annualized and billed amounts
because they are not brought forward *Reference 11269*
- When carrier is changed after a carrier fee or tax has been added to the
policy info tab, the payee entity blanks out
- Check Sequence: Nexsure is not associating the correct numbers with the
checks in the batch
- Invoice Printing - Monocline Policy is Shown as Package Policy Type
- Deactivating an Employee does not remove signature for selection on
- Verification - Wrong Insured Names Shown Up on Auto ID Cards
- LONG TERM TRACKING - the long term fix for having the MVR code populate
ALL id cards on a policy
- ACORD 1 & 2 - Eff date of policy pulling where today's date should
- Supplemental notes appear when printing after a remarket, but are not on
QN tree to be deleted
- Save changes and policy header are grayed out on a audit performed in
- Unable to print report
- Policy is returning 200 pages when printing the LOB section
- Office Integration - Ability to edit and save Excel spreadsheets once
they are attached to a client instead of attaching another one after
- Attaching an Outlook email with attachment does not show policy number on
summary view.
- Unable to remove/reverse payment advance invoice #154148
- Policies Renewing with Duplicate ACORD 125 Forms
- Edit - Deleting all LOB's and then adding a new app leaves the status as
Empty as opposed to pending
- Endorsement Download - The annualized, billed and commissions are removed
after a download
- Acord 90 TX only allows 4 drivers. Need overflow for appl and
- Enhancement - Allow user to add a reason for reversing an invoice.
- Binder - Shows application date from the application, not the date the
binder was created
- Acord 175 pulling Appl date from the LOB Acord. Needs to be the date the
change form is added.
- User should not be able to assign residual payment to an invoice then
reverse the payment before clicking the Assign Credit link
- Enhancement request to edit the internal message on a posted invoice when
reversing the invoice.
- Customer request to have remarks overflow on the Pollution application.
Custom_025 form
- Receive Payments-Invoices screen: bypassing auto allocation renders
invoice checkboxes unusable
- Receive Payments filters: need a way to filter payments and omit
reversed/reversal records.
- Uninsured/Underinsured motorist property damage liability premium field
on the Texas Acord 90 does not have a field to enter premium in Nexsure.
- Error reversing an invoice
- Reversed invoice shows incorrect amount
- Error message trying to reverse disbursement
- Reversing Manual invoice created many records
- Map the equipment floater (146) to the Acord 27's for certificates
- Territory level-Invoices tab: Invoices with "posted reversed" status
should not have active checkboxes for user to select to print
- Reversing an invoice caused multiple reversed invoices
- Need a different verification card for personal and commercial auto
- Needs a way to create a "renewed" policy for a currently in force policy
where an item in the policy needs to be broken off into it's own policy
perhaps with a different carrier
- Reversing an accounting transaction that is linked to another posted
accounting transaction is currently allowed by Nexsure
- Advance Payment - Reversed Advanced Payment records appear in the Receive
Payment Invoice List to be selected for applied payment.
- Add the ability to do NSF reversals for all entities.
- Enhancement: Need to lock down the selected carriers in a policy once the
policy has been invoiced. If all invoices for policy are reversed, carriers
are editable again.
- Accounts Receivable - reversed advance payment invoice not appearing
correctly on report or on transaction view screen
- LONG TERM TRACKING - PDF Generating 400+ pages
- Receive Payment - Several Reversed Receive Payments have no posting
details for reversing entry
- Reversed invoices should display as 1234/4321 on the Invoice selection
screen during a reconcilliation
- Disbursements: Need invoice IDs in disbursements to display to indicate
whether it's reversed, marketing policy, binder bill etc
- LONG TERM TRACKING: A/R Bal incorrect due to reversed inv. Inv Posting to
A/R duplicated
- Reverse invoice Closed/Locked period popup does not warn you of that
- Unposted invoice has cash applied and was reversed * Related to 8335
- Reversed Rec Pymt not showing residual balance and is not applied to
other invoices
- Unapplied cash receipt was refunded to client then reversed, should
result in a residual balance on reversal
- Reversed Invoices for Binder Policy are still displayed in the Aged
Receivable Reports - REPORTS
- Clicking on "Assign Credit" displays in header of popup is "Reverse
- Add NJ MVR codes to Nexsure for NJ Auto ID cards
- Deposits - when a reversal is posted, the original and reversed deposits
do not show the original receipt attached to the deposit
- Invoice Type Top Perforation - NEW REPORT for invoices with top
- Account Current - reversal id's should appear on report
- Reversing an invoice does not update the policy info tab with the
reversal amounts
- Year End Process - adjusting JE should not have the reverse button to
avoid user error
- Servicing - System allows the user to file a claim outside the Coverage
Term date
- Servicing - System allowed a Policy with Future Status to be Renewed
- Carrier Names Tab - Any updates of the Current Page Result in a
JavaScript Error
- Submitted endorsement can be aborted from the HOME -> ENDORSEMENT
- Production Details - move Retail Agent from People Information to Client
Information section on criteria page
- Retail Agent - Copy the contract second time does not work after
accessing assignment tab
- Organization - Unable to create a new Department
- Servicing - There are 3 blank items in Policy Stage list box at
Client/Binder Search screen
- Income Statement Budget Prior - add Criteria Selected section at end of
- Servicing - Binder is allowed to be created while the policy is pending
- Servicing - Claim is allowed to be created while the policy is pending
- Servicing - Binder is not allowed to be created while the policy is
pending Cancellation
- Servicing - Inconsistent display values of "Line Of Business/Policy
Number/Policy Type" at policy summary screen
- Servicing - Incorrect number of records display at SERVICING/Binders
- Servicing - Endorsement is not allowed to be created while the policy is
pending Audit
- Adding claims to history policies enters the date of loss as 1/1/1900
regardless of date entered on servicing screen.
- People Commission Default is allowing multiple defaults within the same
branch for People
- Error message trying to batch print verification cards
- Ad Hoc Users Not Created on SQL Servers
- Customer Statement Remittance - NEW REPORT - comprehensive customer
- Pop up box sizing - doesn't display all information (CRM portion)
- Remove Icons within a schedule on a future policy are inactive.
- T-Log - Client name field needs to be increased to 60 to match client
name field on client screen - field is only 50 varchar right now.
- Accounts Receivable - reversed advance payment invoice not appearing
correctly on report
- Downloads - Non Renewal downloads need to function the same as a manual
- Data fix for Reconciliations that were reversed twice prior to
repair of app by Bug 11095
- Seitlin Acord 130FL Issues
- receive payment - Alphabetize entity names in selection drop down when
adding a receive payment
- E-Services - Notify on Proxy Error
- Date on renewal advances (1) day later than the original term.
- Servicing matrix corrections
- E190 - Using the ellipse to select information doesn't "Save" without
clicking "Save Changes"
- Policy Info - Agency Commission - % of Comm. is Calculated Wrong
- Excel Import client/policy header: If the tab name of the excel import is
not Sheet1 the excel import fails. If the client name listed in the excel
file has trailing spaces the client name comes in as
The following enhancements were made in Nexsure version 1.82.0.
See Previous
Development for an archive of past releases.
Important Setup Notification 
With the release of Nexsure 1.82.0, an Office Update is required
to use Office Integration at the Setup or Attachment level. This is done
automatically by Nexsure, but you must be logged in with local administrator
rights or a script must be created by your IT department to have these load upon
user login.
- In order to Post Client Invoices to the current period, security
setup is required. Setup – Security Administration and access the User Rights
Templates tab. Choose the template and update, click Clients, Transactions and
click the Post box. Make sure to Save and Synchronize User Security. By
default no user will be able to post invoices until this setting is modified.
- In order to Post Client Invoices to a locked period, security
setup is required. Setup – Security Administration and access the User Rights
Templates tab. Choose the template and update, click Clients, Transactions and
click the Post Locked box. Make sure to Save and Synchronize User Security. By
default no user will be able to post invoices until this setting is modified.
- Accounting Transactions Security - In order to Post Accounting
Transactions, security setup is required. Setup – Security Administration and
access the User Rights Templates tab. Choose the template and update, click
Transactions, Click the Post box on each allowed right. Make sure to Save and
Synchronize User Security. By default no user will be able to post accounting
transactions until this setting is modified.
- Accounting Transactions Security - In order to Post Accounting
Transactions to a locked period, security setup is required. Setup – Security
Administration and access the User Rights Templates tab. Choose the template
and update, click Transactions, Click the Post Locked box on each allowed
right. Make sure to Save and Synchronize User Security. By default no user
will be able to post to a locked period until this setting is modified.
- Posting to locked periods is now possible by setting up and granting
security access. Link to
Enhanced invoicing search criteria in the following areas: Org-level
invoices, receive payment, and client-level invoices. New search criteria
includes: Posted-All, Exclude Reversals, Posted-Auto, Posted-Manual, Unposted,
Posted-Reversals Only.
More Info...
Added Annualize check box
(checked by default) to policy info and invoice screens.
More Info...
- Added ability to perform NSF reversals for all entities. Link
to topic...
- Attempting to reverse a primary transaction that is associated with a
secondary transaction will now display a notification that the primary
transaction cannot be reversed until the secondary transaction is
- Navigation Tree - show date of loss under "Claims".
More info...
Office Integration
- Customer Statement report has been updated (fields and layout).
Rating Integration
Downloads/Commission Statement
- Acadia (Berkley Group) Commission Statement
- Berkley Mid-Atlantic Group Commission Statement
- Allied Group (Nationwide) Commission Statement
- Auto-Owners Insurance Commission Statement
- Berkley Mid-Atlantic Group Commission Statement
- Central Mutual Insurance Company Commission Statement
- Chubb Commission Statement
- Columbia Insurance Group Commission Statement
- Continental Western (Berkley Group) Commission Statement
- Donegal Mutual
- Encompass Insurance (Allstate) - Legacy Format Commission Statement
- Encompass Insurance (Allstate) - New Format Commission Statement
- Farmers Mutual of Nebraska Commission Statement
- Frankenmuth Mutual Commission Statement
- Grange Mutual Insurance Commission Statement
- Hanover Insurance Company (Allmerica) Commission Statement
- Main Street America (MSA Group) Commission Statement
- Mercury Insurance Group Commission Statement
- MetLife Auto & Home Commission Statement
- Motorists Insurance Group Commission Statement
- Ohio Casualty Commission Statement
- Oregon Mutual Commission Statement
- Pekin Insurance Company Commission Statement
- Pinnacol Assurance Commission Statement
- Progressive (Drive Insurance) Commission Statement
- Safeco Insurance Company Commission Statement
- State Auto Commission Statement
- Travelers Commission Statement
- Unitrin Property & Casualty Commission Statement
- West Bend Mutual Insurance Commission Statement
- Zurich North America (Zurich) Commission Statement
- Ohio Casualty - General Liability
- Pioneer State - Dwelling Fire
- Pioneer state - Homeowner
- Pioneer State - Inland Marine
- Pioneer State - Farm
- Motorist Mutual - Personal auto
- Orion - Personal auto
- America Modern - Dwelling Fire
- Ohio Casualty - Property
- Allied - General Liability
- Selective - Workers Comp